Our Featured Brands

Neels Heating Supplies proudly offers the following prestigious brands of equipment, which are tested and reliable for homes in the Fraser Valley.

Product Catalogue

The Neels installation and service teams are specifically trained to determine the correct products and services for your home.

Showing 1–9 of 34 results

  • Trane XV20i Air Conditioner

    Trane TruComfort™


    Sometimes you just feel “too hot” or “too cold” between cycles of your system. Having 700 stages nearly eliminates temperature fluctuations. Your system glides along as if on cruise control, barely sipping electricity for much of the day. It also runs at lower speeds for longer periods of time offering:

    • Advanced temperature control
    • Lower humidity
    • Reduced sound
    • Enhanced filtration
    • Lowest cost per minute
  • Trane XV20i Heat Pump

    More Speeds, More Comfort

    This system gives you comfort by running at the speed your home needs to stay comfortable. This allows the variable speed compressor, outdoor fan, and indoor fan to vary their speed as the temperature outside changes, slowing down or speeding up gradually when needed.

    One Of The Best On The Industry

    This heat pump is one of the industry’s most efficient systems, with ratings up to 20.5 SEER2 and 8.7 HSPF2.

    ComfortLink® II Thermostat Connectivity

    The XV20i can connect to our ComfortLink® II thermostat. Your system will automatically charge, configure and calibrate for optimal performance through the lifetime of your products.

    Durable And Quiet

    Trane products are put through 16 weeks of extreme testing. If they don’t pass our tests, they don’t go into production. The XV20i is quiet and its top-tier efficiency ratings help you save on energy bills.

  • Trane XV18 Heat Pump

    More Speeds, More Comfort

    This system gives you comfort by running at the speed your home needs to stay comfortable. This allows the variable speed compressor, outdoor fan, and indoor fan to vary their speed as the temperature outside changes, slowing down or speeding up gradually when needed.

    One Of The Best On The Market

    This heat pump is one of the industry’s most efficient systems, with ratings up to 18 SEER2 and 8.5 HSPF2. With Trane TruComfort™ technology, the XV18 automatically adjusts itself to keep you comfortable.

    ComfortLink II Thermostat Connectivity

    The XV18 can connect to our ComfortLink® II thermostat. Your system will automatically charge, configure and calibrate for optimal performance through the lifetime of your products.

  • Trane XR17 Heat Pump

    Choose Your Speed

    Two-stage heat pumps use in two speeds to keep your home comfortable all year long. Our two-speed units provide an excellent mix of value, comfort, and efficiency.

    The Dual Fuel Advantage

    Pair your furnace with a heat pump to enjoy the benefits of a hybrid system. Our heat pump primarily heats your home and your oil furnace steps in when the weather gets too cold. Together, they offer you reliable comfort that could lower your energy costs.

    A System You Can Count On

    Trane products are put through 16 weeks of extreme testing. If they don’t pass our tests, they don’t go into production. Every heat pump is built to provide total comfort you can rely on.

    Save Energy At Home

    The XR17’s SEER2 rating makes this unit a great choice for saving energy and lowering your monthly energy use.

  • Trane XR16 Heat Pump

    Choose Your Speed

    Two-stage heat pumps use in two speeds to keep your home comfortable all year long. Our two-speed units provide an excellent mix of value, comfort, and efficiency.

    The Dual Fuel Advantage

    Pair your furnace with a heat pump to enjoy the benefits of a hybrid system. Our heat pump primarily heats your home and your oil furnace steps in when the weather gets too cold. Together, they offer you reliable comfort that could lower your energy costs.

    A System You Can Count On

    Trane products are put through 16 weeks of extreme testing. If they don’t pass our tests, they don’t go into production. Every heat pump is built to provide total comfort you can rely on.

    Save Energy At Home

    The XR16’s 16.2 SEER2 rating makes this unit a great choice for saving energy and lowering your monthly energy use.

  • Trane XR14 Heat Pump

    Everyday Comfort

    This single-speed heat pump is a great option for keeping you comfortable all year round. The XR14 will help keep you cool in the summer and warm throughout the fall and winter months.

    A System You Can Count On

    Trane products are put through 16 weeks of extreme testing. If they don’t pass our tests, they don’t go into production. Every heat pump is built to provide total comfort you can rely on.

    The Dual Fuel Advantage

    Pair your furnace with a heat pump to enjoy the benefits of a hybrid system. Our heat pump primarily heats your home and your furnace steps in when the weather gets too cold. Together, they offer you reliable comfort that could lower your energy costs.

    Built To Last

    All materials used to build Trane products are tested time and time again for long-lasting performance and reliability.

  • Trane Resolute™ Cold Climate Heat Pump

    Increased Energy Efficiency

    With ductless systems, you don’t have to worry about energy loss associated with worn down or poorly maintained ducts. That, combined with increased SEER ratings on Trane systems, could help you save money on your monthly energy bills.

    Fit For All Types Of Weather

    The Single Zone Resolute™ Cold Climate Heat Pump is an outdoor system that can withstand the test of weather. This ductless system handles outdoor temperatures from -30◦C to 54◦C.

    Easy Installation

    The Single Zone Resolute™ Cold Climate Heat Pump installs quickly and easily avoiding the need for major construction or remodeling.

    Durable System

    This outdoor ductless system is built to last. With a multi-speed blower motor, eco-friendly refrigerant, copper/aluminum coils, and more, this system is durable and reliable.

  • Trane XV19 Heat Pump

    Great For Smaller Spaces

    Designed with limited space in mind, this unit can fit in tight spaces and smaller homes. We recommend this type of unit for condos or if you’re looking to fit a heat pump under your deck.

    Best Noise Control

    Our quietest heat pump in great for outdoor living spaces, bedrooms, condos, hotels, and restaurants. The fan’s noise level (43 to 57 dBA) is close to the sound of a quiet conversation or the peace in a library.

    More Speeds, More Comfort

    This system gives you comfort by running at the speed your home needs to stay comfortable. This allows the variable speed compressor, outdoor fan, and indoor fan to vary their speed as the temperature outside changes, slowing down or speeding up gradually when needed.

    Efficiency That Helps You Save

    The XV19 Heat Pump has a SEER2 rating up to 19 and HSPF2 up to 9, making it an excellent choice for home comfort and energy savings. This model also qualifies for eco-friendly rebates and federal tax credits.

  • Trane XR17 Air Conditioner

    Efficient Performance

    Trane’s XR17 A/C systems have Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratings (SEER) up to 18.00, making these central air conditioners an excellent choice for home comfort and for earning energy-efficiency tax credits.

    Two-Stage Cooling

    Two stages of cooling (and heating, if applicable) meet any outdoor climate conditions and prevent interior temperature swings.

    Durable And Economical

    Trane’s central air conditioners come with increased efficiency that may substantially lower your home cooling costs. Materials for all components are tested again and again for long-lasting performance and durability.

    Cleaner, Healthier Indoor Air

    For a more comfortable home, add Trane CleanEffects® Whole Home Air Cleaner to your central air conditioning unit for advanced air filtration that removes more dust, pollen and other irritants from conditioned air.